Mitsubishi Electric cars are on the Paths of Estonia Renewable Energy

October 28, 2011

Hanno Pevkur the Social Affairs Minister in Estonian was ahead of the game recently where electric car keys were passed on to over four of its workers in the social area. The purpose of the cars is for means of getting to and from work indicated by the LETA (Latvian News Agency).

The forecast is much more, with figures reporting up to 507 cars heading to Hoolekandeteenused. The cars will work well in the cold which is good news all round for the winter. The model of the electric cars are i-MiEVs (Mitsubishi), a very desirable model and good news for Renewable Energy.

Merle Ploompuu said, “A number of local governments initially expressed the desire for only one car,” carried on saying, “adding that they plan to take part in the second application round as well. We believe that all 507 cars will have found a user by spring,” Merle Ploompuu is the PM (Project Manager) with the finance and property management department of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

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